Thursday, October 2, 2014

Who is Aquarius and How is He Appealing to Pathos?

Why does it matter if Jupiter aligns with Mars and whose house is the moon in exactly?  Well after you know a little bit about the hippies and what they're all about those lyrics might make at least a little bit more sense...hopefully.
Much like the idea of putting flowers in gun barrels to promote peace these song lyrics also come across as an odd way of spreading the idea of peace but it still does its job.  The lyrics grab your attention and make you think about them a little.  The nice soft nature of the song combines with the lyrics to make the listener focus on peace and what a wonderful thing it would be to actually achieve.  But most importantly just like it says in the song it is a dawning of a new age and based on these lyrics its the age of peace and harmony between everyone.  But lets be honest, what other new age would you expect the hippies to support? 


  1. I like that your post was light-hearted and funny. You maybe could have done with more analysis, like including specific lines of the song that you felt were the most powerful. Do you think that the song is meant to change the mind of the solider? I like that you reference you other photo because I think those two definitely have a lot in common. Also, that's a cool photo is your post.

    -Lindsey Wright

  2. I agree with Lindsey - I wish you had picked out some specific phrases to point out. That said, I like your point about the dawning of a new age, which might have been a reference to the lyrics?

  3. Do you think some of the lyrics are purposefully "nonsense" simply because peace is all that matters in the song? The writer could have wrote the song this way so the focus was on an idea, not actual things. Perhaps to Aquarius's writer, it really doesn't matter that "Jupiter aligns with Mars," or "whose house is the moon in exactly." I'm not a hippie, so I could be really off... -____-
